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Micropython NTP Clock
Micropython NTP Clock
Mei 04, 2022
Micropython NTC Clock
import network, ntptime from machine import RTC import time import tm1637 from machine import Pin tm = tm1637.TM1637(clk=Pin(5), dio=Pin(4)) SSID="AFFAN" PWD="66666666" # dictionary that maps string date names to indexes in the RTC's datetime tuple DATETIME_ELEMENTS = { "year": 0, "month": 1, "day": 2, "day_of_week": 3, "hour": 4, "minute": 5, "second": 6, "millisecond": 7 } def connect_to_wifi(wlan, ssid, password): if not wlan.isconnected(): print("Connecting to network...") wlan.connect(ssid, password) while not wlan.isconnected(): pass # set an element of the RTC's datetime to a different value def set_datetime_element(rtc, datetime_element, value): date = list(rtc.datetime()) date[DATETIME_ELEMENTS[datetime_element]] = value rtc.datetime(date) tm.show('cont') #tm.write([0b00111001, 0b00111111, 0b00111111, 0b00111000]) wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) wlan.active(True) connect_to_wifi(wlan, SSID, PWD) rtc = RTC() ntptime.settime() print(rtc.datetime()) hr=rtc.datetime()[4]+7 if (hr>=24): hr=hr-24 mn=rtc.datetime()[5] sc=rtc.datetime()[6] print(hr) print(mn) tdelay=0.9953 while True: tm.numbers(hr, mn) time.sleep(tdelay) tm.write([0, 0, 0, 0]) sc=sc+1 if sc>=59: mn=mn+1 sc=0 if mn>=59: hr=hr+1 sc=0 mn=0 # connect_to_wifi(wlan, SSID, PWD) # ntptime.settime() # hr=rtc.datetime()[4]+7 # if (hr>=24): # hr=hr-24 # mn=rtc.datetime()[5] # sc=rtc.datetime()[6] # if hr>=24: # hr=0 # mn=0 # sc=0 # ntptime.settime() # hr=rtc.datetime()[4]+7 # if (hr>=24): # hr=hr-24 # mn=rtc.datetime()[5] # sc=rtc.datetime()[6]
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