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Micropython WifiManager
Micropython WifiManager
Mei 07, 2022
Library and Main.py
import network import socket import ure import time ap_ssid = "WifiManager" ap_password = "tayfunulu" ap_authmode = 3 # WPA2 NETWORK_PROFILES = 'wifi.dat' wlan_ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) wlan_sta = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) server_socket = None def get_connection(): """return a working WLAN(STA_IF) instance or None""" # First check if there already is any connection: if wlan_sta.isconnected(): return wlan_sta connected = False try: # ESP connecting to WiFi takes time, wait a bit and try again: time.sleep(3) if wlan_sta.isconnected(): return wlan_sta # Read known network profiles from file profiles = read_profiles() # Search WiFis in range wlan_sta.active(True) networks = wlan_sta.scan() AUTHMODE = {0: "open", 1: "WEP", 2: "WPA-PSK", 3: "WPA2-PSK", 4: "WPA/WPA2-PSK"} for ssid, bssid, channel, rssi, authmode, hidden in sorted(networks, key=lambda x: x[3], reverse=True): ssid = ssid.decode('utf-8') encrypted = authmode > 0 print("ssid: %s chan: %d rssi: %d authmode: %s" % (ssid, channel, rssi, AUTHMODE.get(authmode, '?'))) if encrypted: if ssid in profiles: password = profiles[ssid] connected = do_connect(ssid, password) else: print("skipping unknown encrypted network") else: # open connected = do_connect(ssid, None) if connected: break except OSError as e: print("exception", str(e)) # start web server for connection manager: if not connected: connected = start() return wlan_sta if connected else None def read_profiles(): with open(NETWORK_PROFILES) as f: lines = f.readlines() profiles = {} for line in lines: ssid, password = line.strip("\n").split(";") profiles[ssid] = password return profiles def write_profiles(profiles): lines = [] for ssid, password in profiles.items(): lines.append("%s;%s\n" % (ssid, password)) with open(NETWORK_PROFILES, "w") as f: f.write(''.join(lines)) def do_connect(ssid, password): wlan_sta.active(True) if wlan_sta.isconnected(): return None print('Trying to connect to %s...' % ssid) wlan_sta.connect(ssid, password) for retry in range(100): connected = wlan_sta.isconnected() if connected: break time.sleep(0.1) print('.', end='') if connected: print('\nConnected. Network config: ', wlan_sta.ifconfig()) else: print('\nFailed. Not Connected to: ' + ssid) return connected def send_header(client, status_code=200, content_length=None ): client.sendall("HTTP/1.0 {} OK\r\n".format(status_code)) client.sendall("Content-Type: text/html\r\n") if content_length is not None: client.sendall("Content-Length: {}\r\n".format(content_length)) client.sendall("\r\n") def send_response(client, payload, status_code=200): content_length = len(payload) send_header(client, status_code, content_length) if content_length > 0: client.sendall(payload) client.close() def handle_root(client): wlan_sta.active(True) ssids = sorted(ssid.decode('utf-8') for ssid, *_ in wlan_sta.scan()) send_header(client) client.sendall("""\
Wi-Fi Client Setup
""") while len(ssids): ssid = ssids.pop(0) client.sendall("""\
""".format(ssid)) client.sendall("""\
Your ssid and password information will be saved into the "%(filename)s" file in your ESP module for future usage. Be careful about security!
Some useful infos:
Original code from
This code available at
""" % dict(filename=NETWORK_PROFILES)) client.close() def handle_configure(client, request): match = ure.search("ssid=([^&]*)&password=(.*)", request) if match is None: send_response(client, "Parameters not found", status_code=400) return False # version 1.9 compatibility try: ssid = match.group(1).decode("utf-8").replace("%3F", "?").replace("%21", "!") password = match.group(2).decode("utf-8").replace("%3F", "?").replace("%21", "!") except Exception: ssid = match.group(1).replace("%3F", "?").replace("%21", "!") password = match.group(2).replace("%3F", "?").replace("%21", "!") if len(ssid) == 0: send_response(client, "SSID must be provided", status_code=400) return False if do_connect(ssid, password): response = """\
ESP successfully connected to WiFi network %(ssid)s.
""" % dict(ssid=ssid) send_response(client, response) try: profiles = read_profiles() except OSError: profiles = {} profiles[ssid] = password write_profiles(profiles) time.sleep(5) return True else: response = """\
ESP could not connect to WiFi network %(ssid)s.
""" % dict(ssid=ssid) send_response(client, response) return False def handle_not_found(client, url): send_response(client, "Path not found: {}".format(url), status_code=404) def stop(): global server_socket if server_socket: server_socket.close() server_socket = None def start(port=80): global server_socket addr = socket.getaddrinfo('', port)[0][-1] stop() wlan_sta.active(True) wlan_ap.active(True) wlan_ap.config(essid=ap_ssid, password=ap_password, authmode=ap_authmode) server_socket = socket.socket() server_socket.bind(addr) server_socket.listen(1) print('Connect to WiFi ssid ' + ap_ssid + ', default password: ' + ap_password) print('and access the ESP via your favorite web browser at') print('Listening on:', addr) while True: if wlan_sta.isconnected(): return True client, addr = server_socket.accept() print('client connected from', addr) try: client.settimeout(5.0) request = b"" try: while "\r\n\r\n" not in request: request += client.recv(512) except OSError: pass print("Request is: {}".format(request)) if "HTTP" not in request: # skip invalid requests continue # version 1.9 compatibility try: url = ure.search("(?:GET|POST) /(.*?)(?:\\?.*?)? HTTP", request).group(1).decode("utf-8").rstrip("/") except Exception: url = ure.search("(?:GET|POST) /(.*?)(?:\\?.*?)? HTTP", request).group(1).rstrip("/") print("URL is {}".format(url)) if url == "": handle_root(client) elif url == "configure": handle_configure(client, request) else: handle_not_found(client, url) finally: client.close()
import wifimgr # importing the Wi-Fi manager library from time import sleep import machine import gc try: import usocket as socket except: import socket led = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.OUT) wlan = wifimgr.get_connection() #initializing wlan if wlan is None: print("Could not initialize the network connection.") while True: pass print("ESP Server :") led_state = "OFF" def web_page(): html = """
ESP MicroPython Web Server
LED state:
""" + led_state + """
""" return html s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(('', 80)) s.listen(5) while True: try: if gc.mem_free() < 102000: gc.collect() conn, addr = s.accept() conn.settimeout(3.0) print('Received HTTP GET connection request from %s' % str(addr)) request = conn.recv(1024) conn.settimeout(None) request = str(request) print('GET Rquest Content = %s' % request) led_on = request.find('/?led_2_on') led_off = request.find('/?led_2_off') if led_on == 6: print('LED ON -> GPIO2') led_state = "ON" led.on() if led_off == 6: print('LED OFF -> GPIO2') led_state = "OFF" led.off() response = web_page() conn.send('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n') conn.send('Content-Type: text/html\n') conn.send('Connection: close\n\n') conn.sendall(response) conn.close() except OSError as e: conn.close() print('Connection closed')
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